Roon has an integrated DSP module with convolution capabilities : it is the perfect companion to implement the filters generated by our service (with or without acoustic crosstalk reduction)

This page is only valid if you'd like to use one of our audio plugins (like Room Shaper) 

How can I use HAF audio plugins with Roon ?

As Roon does not support standard AU and VST plugins, additional software / signal routing must be used. There are different alternatives depending on your system configuration: this guide will help you finding a suitable option.

A great option is to use the plugins host from Accuratesound


You can find a step by step guide for both MacOS and Windows in this video

I am using Roon in combination with HQP

You need to insert the standalone version of the plugin between Roon and HQP thanks to virtual audio cables:

For Windows you can get virtual audio cables from this website


For MacOS, there is Soundflower which works on the latest macOS version. It can be downloaded from here 

Once  installed it will create two new virtual sound devices. One should be used in Roon settings as an Output and the other as an Input in HQPlayer settings. The same must be done in the standalone plugin.

My DAC is connected to my computer via USB

You need to insert the standalone version of the plugin between Roon and your DAC thanks to a virtual audio cable:

For Windows you can get virtual audio cables from this website  and more detailed information in this PDF document 

For Mac there are several cable options like these ones (free or not)

• Soundflower:

• BlackHole:

• Instead of using the standalone version of the plugin you can use the AU version and insert it in the audio chain with Audio Hijack - similar configuration is described here for Dirac AU plugin 

My DAC is remotely connected to my computer (network)

For Windows you can use Foobar as plugin host and bridge to any UPnP/DLNA device. All details are available in this PDF document 

For Mac you first need to refer to the « My DAC is connected to my computer via USB » part to route the Roon signal to the plugin. You can now stream the output of the plugin (or Audio Hijack as alternative) to a different device using an app like AirFoil

I run Roon core on a dedicated music server

In that case you need a separate computer to run the HAF plugin and the communication b/w Roon and this computer will be done using the LMS protocol and its bridge to UPnP.

The detailed description for a Windows computer is available in this PDF document


Similar solution for MacOs might exist but has not been tested